stone of the month

Azzurra Bay quartzite

Country of Origin: Brazil

Apparent Dry Density: 2,644.22 kg/m3

Water Absorption: 0.18%

Apparent Porosity: 0.49%


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Stone of the Month Azzurra Bay
Stone of the Month Azzurra Bay
Stone of the Month Azzurra Bay
Stone of the Month Azzurra Bay
Stone of the Month Azzurra Bay
Stone of the Month Azzurra Bay

This Stone of the Month is supplied by Zucchi Luxury Stones. Technical details provide a frame of reference only. Because stone is a product of nature, testing to determine specific physical qualities should be repeated for each project. To submit your own Stone of the Month, send a high-resolution digital image, along with the relevant technical data, to

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April 2021 |