table of contents

december 2023 / volume 40 / no. 12

Stone Column
Inside the Shop

For those that don’t know pre-setting, Rosener explains it as, there is tooling to create different edges in the fabrication shop from a CNC machine, the pre-setting machine measures those tools so fabricators can get accurate Z values, diamaters and radiuses, so you can run those tools on the CNC machine.

Mineral Surfacing:
The New Frontier – Part II

Deep diving now into Part truly Two: Mineral surfacing has a solid value proposition story to tell and these values will necessarily fuel its growth.

Arizona Residence

With breathtaking views from its perch on Apache Peak Mountain in Cochise County in Arizona as a backdrop, paired with a selection of stunning stone from Antolini, a home renovation in the Arizona desert could not be more beautiful.


Jacqueline Tabbah of International Stoneworks discusses the importance with restoration and sustainability

Machine of the Month

Suction Cups from Blick Industries

Radiant Heating

Ceramic tile is one of the most effective types of floor coverings to use with radiant heating as it retains heat between system cycles

Design Case Study

Awarded first place by Ceramics of Italy for the renovation of Promenade Tower in Atlanta, GA, Steve Clem, principal at TVS Design & Architecture spoke to an audience during Coverings 2023 about the design

Product Gallery

Mother Earth produces a variety of natural stone in various shades of pink that are often found cladding shower walls or as walkway pavers.

About the Cover:

Antolini partnered with JSF Design to elevate the design of a home in the Arizona desert with a selection from its Natural Stone Collection. Photo courtesy of Antolini.

STONE WORLD (ISSN: Digital 2329-2822) is published 12 times annually, monthly, by BNP Media, Inc., 2401 W. Big Beaver Rd., Suite 700, Troy, MI 48084-4903. Telephone: (248) 362-3700, Fax: (248) 362-0317. Copyright 2023, by BNP Media. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the consent of the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for product claims and representations.
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DECEMBER 2023 //

fabrication  >>  technology  >>  materials  >>  Design