Stone Column

I have to admit, when I first saw the cover photo of the booked-match slabs of Silver Stream marble, exclusively offered by Antolini, it was a jaw-dropping moment. While I have seen booked-matched slabs form shower and bathroom walls, floor-to-ceiling fireplaces and even used as an interior accent wall, I have never seen ones used so creatively as a striking headboard in a bedroom. This is a prime example of how the beauty of natural stone and its inherent qualities inspire unique and tantalizing designs. The application makes a dramatic statement in the room and elevates the level of sophistication. To read more about this luxurious marble, click to the Stone of the Month page.

Stone World, Jennifer Richinelli

The beauty of
natural stone

Jennifer Richinelli, Editor of Stone World

Also in this month’s eMagazine, we feature the restoration and addition to Palisades Field House in Washington, DC. The building and its surrounding playgrounds were designated as historic landmarks and added to the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites in 2016. For the recent addition, a natural slate rainscreen system was chosen to not only complement the original building, but to also provide the new structure with its own identity. It is another example of how a natural stone variety was the right choice for the design.

Another project that I recently wrote about is the Headquarters for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) in Austin, TX. The design objective was to create a contemporary, yet functional, building that reflects its local surroundings. Regional limestone plays a large role throughout the exterior and interior design. Once again, this is a favorable example of the use of natural stone. More about this project can be found on our website.

As we head into fall, we will continue to seek out more unique, beautiful and purposeful applications of natural stone to share with all of you. And as always, please don’t hesitate to let us know about any special projects you have recently completed. We would love to hear about them.

September 2021 |